Pragmatic Bookshelf Catalog

Pubdate Title
2003-09-01 Pragmatic Version Control using CVS
2004-10-01 Programming Ruby
2005-06-01 Ship It!
2005-09-01 Behind Closed Doors
2006-04-01 Practices of an Agile Developer
2007-05-01 Manage It!
2007-08-15 Pragmatic Unit Testing in C# with NUnit
2008-09-15 Pragmatic Thinking and Learning
2008-12-17 Pragmatic Version Control Using Git
2008-12-26 The Ruby Object Model and Metaprogramming
2009-05-06 The Passionate Programmer
2009-06-02 Land the Tech Job You Love
2009-08-15 Agile Coaching
2009-11-04 Debug It!
2009-11-10 Pomodoro Technique Illustrated
2009-12-28 Language Implementation Patterns
2010-06-24 Test Driven Development
2010-09-15 The Agile Samurai
2010-10-27 Seven Languages in Seven Weeks
2010-11-01 Pragmatic Guide to Git
2010-11-01 Pragmatic Guide to Subversion
2010-11-09 Driving Technical Change
2011-01-15 Agile in a Flash
2011-04-06 Test-Driven Development for Embedded C
2011-07-25 Programming Concurrency on the JVM
2011-12-01 New Programmer's Survival Manual
2011-12-07 Lean from the Trenches
2012-02-20 The Developer's Code
2012-10-23 The Cloud and Amazon Web Services
2012-11-28 Async JavaScript
2012-12-12 Pomodoro Technique Illustrated (audio book)
2012-12-18 Sublime Text 2
2013-01-10 Outsource It!
2013-01-15 The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference
2013-02-06 Cucumber Recipes
2013-02-17 Explore It!
2013-06-18 Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0
2013-06-20 OpenGL ES 2 for Android
2013-06-21 The Healthy Programmer
2013-06-21 The Developer's Code (audio book)
2013-07-15 Programming Groovy 2
2013-07-15 Good Math
2013-07-24 Processing Big Data with MapReduce
2013-07-31 101 Design Ingredients to Solve Big Tech Problems
2013-09-16 Practical Programming
2013-09-27 Agile Web Development with Rails 4
2013-10-05 Programming Erlang
2013-10-30 Modern C++ Programming with Test-Driven Development
2013-11-10 Functional Programming Patterns in Scala and Clojure
2013-11-15 The Dream Team Nightmare
2013-12-02 Remote Pairing
2013-12-10 The Agile Samurai (audio book)
2013-12-15 Crafting Rails 4 Applications
2014-01-15 Seven Web Frameworks in Seven Weeks
2014-01-20 Programming Sound with Pure Data
2014-03-10 Raspberry Pi: A Quick-Start Guide
2014-04-30 Automate with Grunt
2014-05-29 The Healthy Programmer (audio book)
2014-07-10 Seven Concurrency Models in Seven Weeks
2014-08-11 Metaprogramming Ruby 2
2014-08-20 Mastering Clojure Macros
2014-11-01 Fire in the Valley
2014-11-15 Seven More Languages in Seven Weeks
2015-01-20 Arduino: A Quick-Start Guide, Second Edition
2015-01-28 Metaprogramming Elixir
2015-02-07 CoffeeScript
2015-02-10 The Nature of Software Development
2015-02-15 The Cucumber for Java Book
2015-03-16 Pragmatic Unit Testing in Java 8 with JUnit
2015-05-01 Hello, Android
2015-06-22 Real-World Kanban
2015-06-30 Mazes for Programmers
2015-07-22 Web Development Recipes 2nd Edition
2015-07-31 Beyond Legacy Code
2015-09-01 Clojure Applied
2015-09-15 Exercises for Programmers
2015-09-18 Pragmatic Scala
2015-09-25 Text Processing with Ruby
2015-10-21 Modern Perl, Fourth Edition
2015-10-31 Practical Vim, Second Edition
2015-11-18 Creating Great Teams
2015-11-23 Ruby Performance Optimization
2016-01-10 Secure Your Node.js Web Application
2016-04-15 Designed for Use, Second Edition
2016-06-14 Fire in the Valley (audio book)
2016-06-15 Core Data in Objective-C, Third Edition
2016-06-15 Liftoff, Second Edition
2016-06-15 Core Data in Swift
2016-06-20 Serverless Single Page Apps
2016-07-08 Pragmatic Guide to Sass 3
2016-07-29 Seven Mobile Apps in Seven Weeks
2016-07-29 Manage Your Project Portfolio, Second Edition
2016-08-11 Data Science Essentials in Python
2016-09-16 The Way of the Web Tester
2016-10-05 Test-Driving JavaScript Applications
2016-11-21 tmux 2
2017-02-08 The Cucumber Book, Second Edition
2017-06-23 Rails, Angular, Postgres, and Bootstrap, Second Edition
2017-07-10 Scalable Cloud Ops with Fugue
2017-07-21 Functional Programming: A PragPub Anthology
2017-08-29 Effective Testing with RSpec 3
2017-08-31 React for Real
2017-09-15 Liftoff, Second Edition (audio book)
2017-10-10 Design It!
2017-10-18 Create Your Successful Agile Project
2017-11-10 Agile Web Development with Rails 5.1
2017-12-10 Practical Programming, Third Edition
2017-12-31 Node.js 8 the Right Way
2018-01-05 Release It! Second Edition
2018-01-10 Domain Modeling Made Functional
2018-01-12 Complex Network Analysis in Python
2018-01-24 Functional Web Development with Elixir, OTP, and Phoenix
2018-02-05 Reactive Programming with RxJS 5
2018-02-14 Rails 5 Test Prescriptions
2018-02-21 Programming Clojure, Third Edition
2018-02-27 Learn Functional Programming with Elixir
2018-03-09 Software Design X-Rays
2018-03-14 Adopting Elixir
2018-03-21 Java by Comparison
2018-03-27 Craft GraphQL APIs in Elixir with Absinthe
2018-04-06 Seven Databases in Seven Weeks, Second Edition
2018-04-13 Simplifying JavaScript
2018-05-01 Modern Vim
2018-05-09 Getting Clojure
2018-05-16 Programming Elixir 1.6
2018-06-05 3D Game Programming for Kids, Second Edition
2018-06-10 Rediscovering JavaScript
2018-06-13 Modern Erlang for Beginners
2018-07-11 Code with the Wisdom of the Crowd
2018-10-10 Forge Your Future with Open Source
2018-10-17 Xcode Treasures
2018-12-15 Build Reactive Websites with RxJS
2019-01-10 Property-Based Testing with PropEr, Erlang, and Elixir
2019-01-16 Genetic Algorithms and Machine Learning for Programmers
2019-02-01 Programming Crystal
2019-02-13 Practical Security
2019-02-14 Docker for Rails Developers
2019-02-26 The Ray Tracer Challenge
2019-03-21 Programming WebAssembly with Rust
2019-03-26 Swift Style, Second Edition
2019-04-01 Web Development with ReasonML
2019-04-10 Programming Ecto
2019-05-31 Small, Sharp Software Tools
2019-06-12 Build Chatbot Interactions
2019-06-21 Technical Blogging, Second Edition
2019-06-30 Programming Elm
2019-07-30 Create Your Successful Agile Project (audio book)
2019-08-14 A Scrum Book
2019-09-10 Programming Kotlin
2019-09-15 The Pragmatic Programmer, 20th Anniversary Edition
2019-10-08 Programming Phoenix 1.4
2019-12-10 Designing Elixir Systems with OTP
2019-12-18 Software Estimation Without Guessing
2020-01-22 Modern Systems Programming with Scala Native
2020-02-10 Agile Web Development with Rails 6
2020-02-20 Programming Flutter
2020-03-16 Competing with Unicorns
2020-03-25 Programming Machine Learning
2020-03-31 Real-Time Phoenix
2020-04-10 Practical Microservices
2020-05-10 Build Websites with Hugo
2020-05-28 Become an Effective Software Engineering Manager
2020-06-22 iOS Unit Testing by Example
2020-08-03 Build Location-Based Projects for iOS
2020-08-10 A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms, Second Edition
2020-08-19 Technical Blogging, Second Edition (audio book)
2020-08-25 Quantum Computing
2020-10-07 Design and Build Great Web APIs
2021-01-21 Genetic Algorithms in Elixir
2021-01-26 Explore Software Defined Radio
2021-03-18 Distributed Services with Go
2021-03-22 Programming DSLs in Kotlin
2021-04-22 Apple Game Frameworks and Technologies
2021-04-30 Resourceful Code Reuse
2021-05-06 Essential 555 IC
2021-06-01 Intuitive Python
2021-06-15 Kotlin and Android Development featuring Jetpack
2021-06-20 Learn to Program, Third Edition
2021-07-01 Hands-on Rust
2021-07-10 Web Development with Clojure, Third Edition
2021-07-10 Help Your Boss Help You
2021-07-26 Testing Elixir
2021-08-10 Concurrent Data Processing in Elixir
2021-08-29 Python Brain Teasers
2021-09-10 Go Brain Teasers
2021-09-16 Pandas Brain Teasers
2021-10-01 Pythonic Programming
2021-10-10 Modern Asynchronous JavaScript
2021-12-10 Powerful Command-Line Applications in Go
2022-01-12 Build a Weather Station with Elixir and Nerves
2022-02-02 Portable Python Projects
2022-02-18 Python Testing with pytest, Second Edition
2022-03-08 Rust Brain Teasers
2022-03-16 Programmer Passport: Prolog
2022-03-31 Effective Remote Work
2022-04-26 Build Talking Apps for Alexa
2022-05-15 Modern CSS with Tailwind, Second Edition
2022-05-26 Programmer Passport: Elixir
2022-06-15 Programmer Passport: OTP
2022-07-22 Program Management for Open Source Projects
2022-08-02 Build a Binary Clock with Elixir and Nerves
2022-09-10 Modern Front-End Development for Rails, Second Edition
2022-10-12 Effective Remote Work (audio book)
2022-10-28 SQL Antipatterns, Volume 1
2022-11-08 Exploring Graphs with Elixir
2023-01-02 Numerical Brain Teasers
2023-01-10 Building Table Views with Phoenix LiveView
2023-01-18 Designing Data Governance from the Ground Up
2023-01-24 Mockito Made Clear
2023-02-01 Forge Your Future with Open Source
2023-02-10 Creating Software with Modern Diagramming Techniques
2023-05-10 Agile Web Development with Rails 7
2023-05-23 Practical A/B Testing
2023-08-01 Effective Haskell
2023-08-10 Functional Programming in Java, Second Edition
2023-08-21 Designing Data Governance from the Ground Up
2023-09-07 Competing with Unicorns
2023-09-14 From Objects to Functions
2023-10-18 Ruby on Rails Background Jobs with Sidekiq
2023-12-06 A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms in Python, Volume 1
2023-12-10 Text Processing with JavaScript
2024-01-09 Programming Ruby 3.3 (5th Edition)
2024-02-01 Your Code as a Crime Scene, Second Edition
2024-02-09 Currently Away
2024-02-23 Agile Retrospectives, Second Edition
2024-03-22 Charged Bodies
2024-03-25 C Brain Teasers
2024-03-25 JavaScript Brain Teasers
2024-04-04 Effective Go Recipes
2024-05-01 From Ruby to Elixir
2024-06-10 C++ Brain Teasers
2024-06-25 High Performance PostgreSQL for Rails
2024-06-30 Programming WebRTC
2024-08-08 A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms in JavaScript, Volume 1
2024-08-13 The Stress Equation
2024-08-15 Server-Driven Web Apps with htmx
2024-08-22 Automate Your Home Using Go
2024-08-29 Machine Learning in Elixir
2024-09-06 Become a Great Engineering Leader
2024-09-20 Test-Driven React, Second Edition