Secure Your Node.js Web Application

Keep Attackers Out and Users Happy

by: Karl Düüna

Published 2016-01-10
Internal code kdnodesec
Print status In Print
Pages 230
User level Advanced
Keywords secure, countermeasures, node, javascript, injection, attack, node.js, security
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ISBN 9781680500851
Other ISBN Channel epub: 9781680504620
Channel PDF: 9781680504637
Kindle: 9781680501773
Safari: 9781680501780
Kindle: 9781680501773
BISACs COM043050 COMPUTERS / Security / Networking
COM051240 COMPUTERS / Software Development & Engineering / Systems Analysis & Design
COM051240 COMPUTERS / Software Development & Engineering / Systems Analysis & Design


Cyber-criminals have your web applications in their crosshairs. They search for and exploit common security mistakes in your web application to steal user data. Learn how you can secure your Node.js applications, database and web server to avoid these security holes. Discover the primary attack vectors against web applications, and implement security best practices and effective countermeasures. Coding securely will make you a stronger web developer and analyst, and you’ll protect your users.


Bake security into your code from the start. See how to protect your Node.js applications at every point in the software development life cycle, from setting up the application environment to configuring the database and adding new functionality. You’ll follow application security best practices and analyze common coding errors in applications as you work through the real-world scenarios in this book.

Protect your database calls from database injection attacks and learn how to securely handle user authentication within your application. Configure your servers securely and build in proper access controls to protect both the web application and all the users using the service. Defend your application from denial of service attacks. Understand how malicious actors target coding flaws and lapses in programming logic to break in to web applications to steal information and disrupt operations. Work through examples illustrating security methods in Node.js. Learn defenses to protect user data flowing in and out of the application.

By the end of the book, you’ll understand the world of web application security, how to avoid building web applications that attackers consider an easy target, and how to increase your value as a programmer.

Top Five Security Tips

by Karl Düüna

Secure the environment<br/> To build a secure system, you need to start from the ground up and invest time in securing the environment. Otherwise your code might be secure, but attackers can still compromise your application by exploiting weaknesses on your servers instead. Make sure you run up-to-date software, have secure authentication mechanisms, run the application under low privileges, and have decent logging.

Validate all input<br/> Hacking in general means finding an unexpected usage for a system by introducing an unexpected input. The best way to defend yourself is to allow as narrow of an input range as possible. It is equally important to always validate that there is a match between the input and your expectations.

Secure your data<br/> Data and databases are a critical part of most web applications and therefore a prime target for attackers. While Node.js applications might be more inclined towards NoSQL, the principles of data protection are the same: always use authentication mechanisms, use varying levels of access, separate your customers’ data as much as needed or possible, and encrypt the important parts of the database.

Protect your clients<br/> Clients are probably the most valuable asset of your web application—they use the system and bring in the business. So it is natural that you must protect them with the same vigilance. This, alongside other defenses, means you must invest in protecting the client side of your application, including setting up CSRF and XSS defenses, protecting against clickjacking and unvalidated redirects.

Implement “Defense in Depth”<br/> Cyber-defense is an asymmetrical problem: while crackers need only one of their attacks to succeed, you need all of your defenses to hold. This is unrealistic, which is why you should always opt for “Defense In Depth.” Never assume that the outer defenses of your application are impenetrable. Instead, set up layers upon layers of defensive mechanisms. Even if the attacker manages to get through one layer, the damage they can do is limited.

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